Maxillofacial Surgeries of Congenital Malformations Provided by German Professors at TSMU Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic

On May 16-20, 2016, Leading Professors of Oral, Maxillofacial and plastic Surgery and Implantology Clinic of Duisburg (Germany) and Honorary Doctors of TSMU:  Dr. med. Helmut Sieber, Prof. Dr. Dr.h.c. Andreas Hammacher, Prof. Dr. Viktor Weilert  and  Dr. med.Carsten Krabs visited Tbilisi State Medical University Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic. During the visit, German professors together with their Georgian colleagues conducted 12 reconstructive complex surgeries of congenital malformations and provided consultations for 25 patients with maxillofacial pathologies. German Professors delivered lectures for undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as young specialists of Tbilisi State Medical University. The visit of German professors to Georgia was arranged within the frames of joint project of  President foundation  and Tbilisi State Medical University. The aim of the project is invitation of Professors of  leading Universities  and Clinics worldwide to Georgia to share experiences, implementation and development of modern approaches in our country.