Meeting with Emory University Professors


On September 29, 2016,  Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria Rector of  Tbilisi State Medical University, Prof. Rima Beriashvili, Vice-Rector and Prof. Lela Maskhulia Dean of the Faculty of  Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation met with Professor Zoher F Kapasi, Ph.D., M.B.A. Director of  Therapy and Rehabilitation Medicine Department at  Emory University School of Medicine, Prof. Marie Johanson, Deputy Director and Prof. Archil Unidilashvili Director of Healthcare and Educational programs at Emory University  who at the same time is an  invited Professor and Head of US MD Program at Tbilisi State Medical University. At the meeting they focused on the issues of US MD program and development and implementation of the new programs, namely, the joint educational program on physical therapy and rehabilitation and development of Clinical Center on the Base of TSMU.   The program will be implemented with the support of the United States. The meeting was attended by Professors of Emory University: Prof. Kenneth Walker and Prof. Gordon Churchward  and  Prof. Nathaniel  Gozansky, Director of International Programs at Emory University School of Law, who currently leads joint programs of Health Law and Health Administration developed by Emory School of  Law and the Tbilisi State Medical University. The guests spoke about future plans and outlined the  ways of further cooperation.