Another Donation by Prof. Dr. med. Michael Jacobus Lentze and Visit of H.E. Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Georgia to Tbilisi State Medical University

On November 3, 2016, Her Excellency Dr. Heike Peitsch, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Georgia; Daniel Haas, Head of Economic Cooperation and Development Division, Ekaterine  Reisner, interpreter and Prof. Dr. med. Michael Jacobus Lentze Professor of Pediatrics at Bone University Clinic, Honorary Doctorate and a great friend and supporter of TSMU  visited Tbilisi State Medical University.

The guests met with Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, Vice-Rectors: Professor Khatuna Todadze and Rima Beriashvili, David Delibashvili Head of International Affairs Department,  Irina Kapetivadze Deputy Head, Prof. Nino Abralava Director of Foreign Language Center and Professor Lia Dzidziguri, Director of TSMU Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic. 

The main objective of the meeting was to mark another important step in the German-Georgian relations, realized by initiative of  Prof. Dr. med. Michael Jacobus Lentze, working in Georgia for four years.  He made a number of significant donations to Tbilisi State Medical University, TSMU Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic and TSMU First University Clinic.  

Recently, Tbilisi State Medical University received another great gift from  Prof. Lentze: ten microscopes for students, phototherapy lamp for newborns, which will be placed at Neonatology Department of Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic  and  the Doppler diagnostic apparatus. It should be emphasized a great contribution, made by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany  to Georgia, in organization of delivering  the mentioned gift to Georgia. 

Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of TSMU spoke about the history of German-Georgian relations in the fields of medicine and pharmacy and the cooperation, developed between the Tbilisi State Medical University and German Universities. As it was noted, Tbilisi State Medical University has the most important title - the title of Honorary Doctorate and among the title holders the most are German professors.  Rector talked about  contributions and merits Prof. Dr. med. Michael Jacobus Lentze, Honorary Doctorate of Tbilisi State Medical University made for TSMU,  expressed his gratefulness to the government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Embassy for their support and asked them to find a way Professor Lentze to stay in Georgia.  It is already four years Prof. Lenze works in Georgia within the frames of DAAD-program, the period of which is expiring soon. Her Excellency Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Georgia expressed her thankfulness to Tbilisi State Medical University for warm welcome.
Having familiarized with the list of German Professors holding the title of Honorary Doctorate of  Tbilisi State Medical University she noted that all of them are the most important figures in the field of Medicine in Germany. She thanked Professor Lentze for  great donation made for TSMU during  his living and  working in Georgia. Prof. Dr. med. Michael Jacobus Lentze appreciates the time spent in Georgia as a "fantastic time in his life." He expressed gratitude to all those who contributed to his arrival to Georgia: the government of Germany,  DAAD International Project and expressed his great love to  Georgian colleagues as well. Prof. Lia Dzidziguri, Director of TSMU Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic, underlined the most important and great work provided by  Prof. Dr. med. Michael Jacobus Lentze for Georgia, over again -  "Our clinic needs Prof.Michael Jacobus Lentze. We would be highly delighted if you find the way and Professor will continue his medical and teaching activities in Georgia ". At the end of the meeting, Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of TSMU handed the TSMU symbolic gifts to the guests.