Visit of Dr. Oksana KUNDUZOVA, Coordinator of Erasmus Mundus Project “MEDEA” to TSMU

On 6th March, 2017 Dr. Oksana KUNDUZOVA, Coordinator of Erasmus Mundus  Project “MEDEA” (MEDical UnivErsities Alliance) and Erasmus + from Paul Sabatier University (UPS) and   National Institute of Health and Science (INSERM), Toulouse,  France visited Tbilisi State Medical University. This was her first visit to Georgia.

Within the frames of her visit, Dr. Oksana KUNDUZOVA was welcomed by Vice-Rector Prof. Dr. Rima Beriashvili and Dr Nino Kandelaki MD, PhD, Erasamus+ Institutional Coordinator at Tbilisi State Medical University. They discussed the further development of the fruitful cooperation between Universities in sphere of education and research. Erasmus+ offers the opportunities for TSMUMaster level students to study 10 months and staff to teach at the University of Toulouse. It also makes the opportunities available for staff and students on Master level to participate in Research projects at Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, France. Dr. Oksana KUNDUZOVA had a fruitful meeting with Prof. Gaiane Simonia, Head of the Department of Medical Education, Research and Strategic Development at TSMU.