TSMU Representatives in Brussels

On March 12-14, 2017, the workshop on financial accounts and administration - ,,BME-ENA -Bio Medical Engineering Education Tempus Initiative in Eastern Neighboring Area“ was held in Brussels.

The delegation included: the representatives of Georgian Technical University, Akaki Tsereteli State University and Tbilisi State Medical University. Our University was represented by: Prof. Tamar Sanikidze Head of the Department of Biophysics and Nino Kandelaki  Erasmus + Program Coordinator at TSMU. The duration of the project, funded by the European Commission, is three years. It is aimed at harmonizing the field of biomedical engineering.

Biomedical Engineering is the fast-growing multi-disciplinary field of the 21st century that combines engineering, biology and medicine, computer sciences and is focused on health care provision. During the visit, the delegation met with TEMPUS- project partners and the representatives of EACEA- Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture.  At the meeting, the dates for submission of financial report and the venue of the next meeting were fixed.