Visit of German Professors: Helmut Sieber and Victor Weilert to Tbilisi State Medical University

Within the frames of the program - “Organization of academic and medical activities of foreign professors in Georgia by Tbilisi State Medical University ", Professors of Oral, Maxillofacial and Facial Plastic Surgery at  Duisburg Clinic (Germany): Helmut Sieber, invited visiting Professor and Honorary Doctor of TSMU and Victor Weilert, Invited visiting Professor and Honorary Doctor of TSMU, arrived in Tbilisi.
On May 23 – German Professors delivered  lectures for VIII - X semester  students  of TSMU Faculty of Stomatology, residency program students and interested professionals of TSMU.

The lectures were attended by Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University, and Professor Samson Mgebrishvili Dean of Faculty of Stomatology, University Professors and Doctors of the University Clinic.

Numerous audience listened to the lectures by German professors:  "Complex treatment of upper lip and palate congenital fissure” - Helmut Sieber; "Bone fillers and membranes in everyday practice of the Doctor" - Victor Weilert;  "Diagnosis of oral mucosa diseases and tumors" - Helmut Sieber; "Pre-Prosthetic surgery in oral cavity" - Victor Weilert.

This is not the first case when German guests: TSMU Honorary Doctor, invited visiting Professor Helmut Zieber and Honorary Doctor of TSMU, invited visiting Professor Victor Weilert visited TSMU. They visit TSMU for several years now, traditionally in May month and deliver advanced and very interesting lectures.

According to the students, the topics of the lectures were very interesting and acquaintance with experience and achievements European professors was of great importance to them. The lectures by foreign Professors have been arranged for TSMU students and academic staff permanently on ongoing basis, which is important in terms of developing their skills and qualification.

It is noteworthy, that on 21 May, German professors conducted free consultations for the patients of  G.Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic and on May 23 and May 24  they will conduct surgeries at the TSMU G. Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic.