The visit of TSMU ERASMUS+-coordinator Dr Nino Kandelaki in Berlin

Dr Nino Kandelaki, TSMU Erasmus + Coordinator was invited at the Humboldt University (HU) Berlin (Germany) to Erasmus+ International Staff Week 2017 with the aim to discusses Erasmus + International Credit Mobility Project details with partners. The event was hosted and took place at HU Berlin.
At the meeting have been participating 28 representatives from 12 EU partner Universities.
Presentation of Dr. Nino Kandelaki, about the international Credit Mobility projects and internationalization of TSMU has gained the audience’s attention.

Dr. Nino Kandelaki has held a meeting with the staff of the International Relations Department of Charite University: Mrs. Ulrike Arnold, Mr. Lucy Steiner, Ms. Pamela Glovatsky and Tbilisi State Medical University students who graduated from PhD mobility program at Charite University Clinic within the frames of ERASMUS Mundus project.

At the meeting were discussed the details of the exchange programs between the universities, was planned to fund the four PhD students of the TSMU for 3 months mobility in Charite University.

Also were discussed exchange opportunities for both Universities academic staff.

Current Erasmus +project with HU will last until July 2019.