Meeting with the Staff of DAAD Tbilisi Information Center


On October 13, 2017, Gebhard Reul, Head of DAAD Tbilisi Information Center and Nino Antidze, Coordinator of Training and Scholarship Programs of DAAD Tbilisi Information Center visited the Tbilisi State Medical University. The guests met with Prof. Nino Abralava, Director of TSMU Center of Foreign Languages and the staff of the Foreign Languages Center. It is noteworthy to note that Gebhard Reul is a newly appointed Head  of DAAD Tbilisi Information Center.  Gebhard Reul  got acquainted with TSMU Professors and administrative staff of Tbilisi State Medical University to develop the plans for further  cooperation. After  the workshop, the guests  visited the library hall where they met with: students, doctoral students and academic personnel and introduced the scholarship programs, offered this year to them. The meeting raised a great interest. This year, as always, many are willing to participate in DAAD scholarship programs.