Honorary Ukrainian Guests at Tbilisi State Medical University

From 2 to 5 November, 2017, Prof. Sergei Radlinski, a founder of the Academy of Esthetic Dentistry and Clinical Director of dental clinic-studio APOLLONIA (Poltava, Ukraine), Honorary Doctor of Tbilisi State Medical University and Vera Radlinska Head of Teaching-Training Center -APOLLONIA visited Tbilisi State Medical University. On November 3, Sergei Radlinski delivered a public lecture - "Biomechanics of teeth and restorations: teeth deformations and real methods of correction".

The lecture was intended for TSMU students, residents and young specialists. Due to the great interest, the lecture was attended by doctors of various dental clinics, Directors of Dental Clinics and TSMU academic personnel. 

 The large audience was addressed by Professor Marina Mamaladze, MD, PhD, Head of Odontology Department of Tbilisi State Medical University, President of Professional Association of Georgian Stomatologists, Director of Dental Clinic and Training-Research Center “UniDent”, who  introduced the honorary guests from Ukraine. After Professor Marina Mamaladze, the audience was addressed by Prof. Sergei Radlinski. He expressed his great love for Georgia, Georgian colleagues and Tbilisi State Medical University. As a sign of great respect, Prof. Sergei Radlinski gave memorable gifts to Tbilisi State Medical University. Prof. Sergei Radlinski made a very interesting presentation on the following topics: tooth forms and functions - two sides of each tooth vital activity; anatomical and histological structure of tooth and tooth tissues; teeth natural deformations; teeth effect excessive deformations; bruxism; abstraction; restored tooth design as a triumph complex; planning, development of natural deformations, life expectancy, restorations, biomechanical evaluation. Within the visit, Vera Radlinska, Head of Teaching-Training Center -APOLLONIA met with academic personnel of TSMU Department of Odontology, Directors of Dental Clinics and shared her experiences on arrangement of short term post-graduate training courses and workshops.