World Diabetes Day at TSMU Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic

On November 14, 2017, the World Diabetes Day was organized at the Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic of Tbilisi State Medical University, the event  was saturated with various ceremonial and cognitive activities. The event was opened and the attendees were greeted by Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria Rector of  Tbilisi State Medical University, Prof. Lia Dzidziguri General Director  of Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic,  Associate Professor Ramaz Kurashvili Director of the Georgian Diabetes Center, Manoni Gogia Advisor to the Chairman of Government of Abkhazia,   Gvanca Gasviani Coordinator of Diabetes Management State Program at the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia. At the event the reports were given by: Professor Marina Gordeladze, Head of Endocrinology Center; Assistant Professor Ekaterine Patsatsia Head of Endocrinology Department at Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic; and  Prof. Dr. med. Michael Jacobus Lentze Honorary Professor of TSMU and Professor of Pediatrics at Bone University Clinic (Germany). Regarding the World Diabetes Day, TSMU Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic and Association of Pediatric Endocrinologists awarded the Honorary Certificates to the medical personnel of Critical Medicine, Emergency and Endocrinology Departments. Honorable nominee - "The Well-Regulated Diabetic Patient -2017" was revealed among children with diabetes and adolescents. The representatives of the Government of Abkhazia, the National Library of Georgia and the pharmaceutical company "Volmarak" presented gifts to the patients of the Clinic.
At the end of the event the students of Tbilisi State Medical University released festive kites.

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