Tbilisi State Medical University Joined Charity Action to Help Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)

The Tbilisi State Medical University joined the charity action "I'm here" to help individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). Actually, the project has been launched not that much of  time, but gathered a large team of like-minded people already. The amount received from the charity action will be transferred to the Autism Research and Support Foundation and used for the construction of the Autism Research and Support National Center.

This center will be oriented on developing care services for beneficiaries as well as promoting professional and functional abilities of adults. The campaign also serves to disseminate information on autism in society and social integration of individuals with Autism. With this action, Tbilisi State Medical University calls on and encourages the community to get involved in the project - buy a sticker  “I am here to help” and donate some money for construction of the rehabilitation center for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Lets do good and do our best together!