Visit of Professor Marina Mamaladze to Ukraine

On December 6-9, 2017, Professor Marina Mamaladze, Head of the Department of Odontology of Tbilisi State Medical University visited Ukraine to attend the 3rd Congress of  " Academy of Esthetics Dentistry " which was held in Poltava. It should be noted that Professor Marina Mamaladze is a member of the Academy since its foundation (since 2013). Professor Mamaladze delivered report on - "morphological peculiarities of tooth root canals after preparation with different methods". The report was based on the results obtained through the scanning electronic-microscopic examinations. Within the frames of the visit Prof. Marina Mamaladze met with Prof. Dr. David Klaff, Founding member of the British Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (BAAD). Meeting with Prof. Nataliya Bidenko, Dean at the Bogomolets National Medical University was particularly interesting as well. Implementation of Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) as a performance-based student assessment tool is under process in Ukraine, therefore, sharing experience of Professor Marina Mamaladze and Tbilisi State Medical University in General in this direction, was of great importance for Ukrainian colleagues. According to Ms. Marina Mamaladze, the section of Endodontics focusing on the still unresolved problems of teeth cervical resorption and pulp revascularization, appeared to be particularly interesting.