Presentation of Master’s Degree Programmes in Public Health

On April 18, 2018, the presentations of Master’s Degree Programmes in Public Health was held at Tbilisi State Medical University.

Within the event, Master’s Degree Programmes were presented to the audience by the programme supervisors. They provided detailed information on training components, qualifications, employment perspectives and other important issues to the students and graduates of TSMU.

The master's degree programmes discussed at the meeting:

•  “Public Health” - Head, Professor Levan Baramidze;

• "Health Promotion, Health Education" - Head, Associate Professor Irine Zarnadze;

• "Epidemiology and Environmental Medicine" - Heads: Professor Irakli Mchedlishvili, Professor Revaz Kverenchkhiladze;

• "Health Administration and Management" – Head, Professor Otar Gerzmava.

The event was organized by Students  and Alumni Relations Service, Faculty of Public Health and Department of  Research Coordination, Master and PhD programmes of TSMU.