თსსუ-ის რეზიდენტ მარიამ რუსიძის წარმატება საფრანგეთში

The success of TSMU's resident Mariam Rusidze in France

Mariam Rusidze, the student of Pathologic Anatomy-Clinical Pathology residency program of Tbilisi State Medical University, passed 10 months training course at Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III (Toulouse, France) within the frames of ERASMUS+credit mobility programme. After passing the theoretical course in “Mollecular and Clinical Pathology”, Mariam Rusidze defended the Diploma thesis/work on “The role of various estrogen isoforms of receptor alfa (ERα) in the physiological development of mammary gland and breast Cancer ".” on the base of  I2MC Laboratory (INSERM). After successful completion of the training course, she participated in competition and won three year scholarship for "National Institute of Health and Medical Research" (INSERM). Mariam will continue study from September 2018, on PhD programme in Natural Sciences at Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III (France).