ასოცირებული პროფესორი ნინო კორსანტიას და სტომატოლოგიის ფაკულტეტის სტუდენტ თამარ ჯიჯურიძის ვიზიტი იტალიაში

Visit of Associate Professor Nino Korsantia and Tamar Jijuridze, Student of the Faculty of Stomatology, to Italy

On June 22-23, 2018, Associate Professor Nino Korsantia, TSMU Department of Odontology was invited to attend the International Dental Congress – “High-level dentistry, simple and predictable: from experience to evolution“  (Chieti, Italy). More than 450 stomatologists from 18 countries attended the congress. At the event, the reports were made by: Professors of Chieti University, the stomatologists of international-level, the members of the European Association of Esthetic Dentistry and the invited speakers from different countries. During the visit, Associate Professor Nino Korsantia attended the  International Students Championship - ,,Jules Allemand Trophy”  as a trainer, where participated Tamar Jijuridze, X-semester student of the Faculty of Stomatology of Tbilisi State Medical University. It should be noted that Georgia took part in the championship series for the fourth time. In the frames of the championship Nino Korsantia and Tamar Jijuridze attended the lecture by Dr.Lorenzo Vanini on art restoration of teeth and presentation of new product - "MICERIUM" (General Sponsor of Championship).