პოლონელი და უკრაინელი სტუდენტები თსსუ-ის საუნივერსიტეტო კლინიკებში

Polish and Ukrainian Students at TSMU University Clinics

This year, within the frames of bilateral exchange programmes, the students from the partner Universities of Poland and Ukraine visited Tbilisi State Medical University to pass training courses at TSMU University Clinics. The students were trained at the Departments of the TSMU First University Clinic, TSMU Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic and TSMU Ap. Urushadze Dental Clinic.  They actively participated in clinical activities and noted that the accumulated experience will help them in the development of clinical skills. We hope that the development of bilateral exchange programs will contribute to the process of internationalization of the Tbilisi State Medical University. According to the students they were provided with excellent conditions at the university clinics of Tbilisi State Medical University to share good experiences. Such opportunities  are of great importance and  very valuable for any student maintaining  successful career in the future. Describing the  impressions  they experienced during the training process the students pointed to the rich experiences they had accumulated, actively participating in specific clinical manipulations. Each of them describes training process passed at the Departments of  Surgery, Cardiology, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Odontology and other fields in details . "We think that we will successfully use the experiences gained here in our future career " they said.