თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტის დელეგაცია ოფიციალური ვიზიტით ისრაელში იმყოფებოდა

TSMU Delegation’s Official Visit to Israel

On July 16-19, 2018, by the official invitation of President of Ashkelon Academic College (Israel), the delegation of Tbilisi State Medical University: Professor Zurab Vadachkoria Rector of TSMU, Professor Rima Beriashvili Vice-Rector and Irina Kapetivadze Head of Rector's Office, paid the visit to Ashkelon.

Within the frames of the visit, the members of TSMU delegation met with Professor Shlomo Grossman, President of Ashkelon Academic College; Professor Shimon Sharvit, College Rector; Mr. Pinchas Haliva Executive Director of the College and other representatives of the administration.  The parties discussed the issues of future cooperation, namely, the possibilities of admission the graduates of Ashkelon Academic College in Tbilisi State Medical University.

During the visit, TSMU delegation visited the study buildings, medical simulation center, library, laboratories for basic disciplines of Ashkelon Academic College. The visit to Ashkelon Academic College was successful and we already started working towards solving the goals and issues set out in Israel.