ბავშვთა ხანგრძლივი მოვლისა და პალიატიური მზრუნველობის სერვისების განვითარება საქართველოში

Implementation of Services of Long-Term and Palliative Care for Children in Georgia

On August 17, 2018, in the framework of development of collaboration between the Czech Republic and Georgia, the Memorandum of Understanding concerning the Implementation of the Project “Implementation of Services of Long-Term and Palliative Care for Children in Georgia” aiming at incorporation of the Centre of long-term and palliative care for children on the territory of G. Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic of TSMU, was signed between Czech Development Agency and Tbilisi State Medical University. The construction of the building, implemented by the Tbilisi State Medical University, is coming to an end, after which the Czech side will supply the Center with medical devices /equipment and inventory relevant for the long-term and palliative care for children under the project. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by H.E. Mr.Tomash Pernitsky, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Georgia and Prof. Zurab Orjonikidze Chancellor of Tbilisi State Medical University. Palliative care involves providing the active, multi-profile care of patients whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment. The primary task of palliative care includes: management of pain and other pathological symptoms and providing psychological, social and spiritual care. According to the Chancellor of TSMU, "Pediatric palliative care programme is considered as a priority direction for Georgia as bed numbers in the clinics is not enough". It should be emphasized that construction of the Center is going within the framework of Memorandum, concerning to the implementation of the Project “Implementation of Services of Long-Term and Palliative Care for Children in Georgia”, singed between the Czech Development Agency, the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, health and Social Affairs of Georgia and Tbilisi State Medical University on November11, 2017. "The healthcare system occupies one of the leading positions in terms of Czech Republic development projects; we are actively cooperating towards development of oncological and palliative services and are planning to deepen our relationship" – said H.E. Mr.Tomash Pernitsky, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Czech Republic to Georgia.