2018/2019  სასწავლო წლის დაწყების საზეიმო ღონისძიება

The Solemn Event Dedicated to the New 2018/2019 Academic Year

On September 17, 2018 Tbilisi State Medical University began New Academic Year. 1017 entrants became TSMU students and 76% were funded. The solemn event dedicated to the New Academic Year was opened by the hymn of Georgia and Professor Zurab Vadachkoria’s, Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University congratulation and warmest wishes to the students. He briefly talked about the past and present of the University and introduced the honorary guests of TSMU to the students: foreign professors from Austria, the United States, Germany, Romania and Poland.  At the end of the speech, the Rector addressed to the students: "You are our tomorrow! Tbilisi State Medical University administration and academic staff are always taking care to ensure your proper training in the health sector as skilled and competitive human resources, everyday care for the better academic environment - teaching and learning quality, about which you will be convinced educational in teaching halls and University clinics.  Many depend on you. Apart from learning, join the university students’ active life and participate in cultural and sport events. Walk through the traditions to future, making your own contribution! Good luck to you, together we can do so much". 27 international professors, TSMU academic and administrative staff, invited guests from the Parliament of Georgia, Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia and Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labour, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia congratulated the beginning of new academic year to the students. At the end of the day a concert was organized by the TSMU Folk Song and Dance Ensemble.