თსსუ-ის საპატიო დოქტორის, ინსბრუკის სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტის რადიაციული თერაპიისა და რადიოონკოლოგიის ცენტრის უფროსი ექიმის  ირმა კვიცარიძის ვიზიტი თსსუ-ში

Dr. Irma Kvitsaridze, Honorary Doctor of TSMU, Senior Doctor at Radiation Therapy and RadiooncologyCenter of Medical University of Innsbruck visited Tbilisi State Medical University

On September 17-19, 2018, 27 professors from the leading universities of Austria, Germany, Poland, Romania and US visited Tbilisi State Medical University.On September 17, 2018, professors attended the event dedicated to the beginning of the new academic year. On September 18-19, they delivered lectures for the students and academic staff of TSMU and provided clinical activities at TSMU clinics (First University Clinic and G.Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic). Among the invited guests was Dr. Irma Kvitsaridze Honorary Doctor of TSMU, Senior Doctor at Radiation Therapy and Radiooncology Center of Medical University of Innsbruck (Austria). The lecture by Dr.Irma Kvitsaridze "Treatment of  SpinalGlioblastoma    - Case from Practice" raised a  great interest among the students and academic personnel of TSMU. On September 19, Irma Kvitsiridze, Honorary Doctor of TSMU together withProfessor Prof.Stephanie Foerster – Neuropediatric Clinic  - Rosenheim Epileosie and Professor Prof. Antony James Sweeney, Radiation Therapy and Radiooncology Clinic visited the TSMU Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic, where they   met with  the administration and staff of the clinic. According to Dr. Irma Kvitsaridze, Innsbruck University Clinic and Tbilisi State Medical University have been running the joint programme named after Prof. Manana Kutelia for 3 years already. Within the frames of the program, young doctors, undergraduate students and the students of Bachelor Program in Nursing of Tbilisi State Medical University are passing training course and gaining international experience  at Innsbruck University Clinic (Austria). The program is of great interest and we hope that in the future the cooperation between our universities will be deepened and new and interesting projects will be developed.