თსსუ-ის ფარმაციის ფაკულტეტის ღონისძიებები მეცნიერებისა და ინოვაციების საერთაშორისო ფესტივალი 2018 - ის ფარგლებში

The Events Organized by TSMU Faculty of Pharmacy within the Frames of - international Festival of Science and Innovation 2018

On September 28, 2018, the 14th   event organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy within the frames of "International Festival of Science and Innovation - 2018" was held at Tbilisi State Medical University. Professor Aliosha Bakuridze, MD., PhD,  Head of TSMU  Department  of Pharmaceutical Technology delivered a public lecture - "Clever Medicine/Drug" for the numerous audience of students of the Faculty of Pharmacy and schoolchildren. 

The discussion was focused on modern approaches and technologies of drug production. At the meeting, the process of administration, action as well as possible side effects of medicines were also discussed. Professor Aliosha Bakuridze talked to the audience about the role of pharmacist in the process of drug development, introduced  modern requirements providing the quality, efficiency, safety and comfort of drugs. Professor Bakuridze talked to TSMU students and future students about international relations at Tbilisi State Medical University and noted that during their study at TSMU they will have the opportunity to share European experience.

At the end of the lecture, Professor Dali Beriashvili Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, thanked the audience for coming and noted that the faculty is ready to carry out all the activities serving student's development and gaining new modern knowledge.  During the event, Professor Dali Berashvili Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy conducted master class and organized a "Science Show"  for schoolchildren, where young people had the opportunity to get acquainted with the activities conducted at  various Departments  of the Faculty of Pharmacy.