თსსუ-ის კანცლერმა, პროფესორმა ზურაბ ორჯონიკიძემ ავტოსატრანსპორტო შემთხვევის დროს  დაშავებული სტუდენტი მოინახულა

Professor Zurab Orjonikidze, TSMU Chancellor, Visited the Student Injured in Road Accident

On October 13 of this year, Prof. Zurab Orjonikidze, Chancellor of Tbilisi State Medical University visited Lado Gabechava, the first semester student of TSMU, injured in road accident several days ago. The patient underwent appropriate treatment. His current state is satisfactory.

Prof. Zurab Orjonikidze expressed thankfulness to all representatives of the University staff and physicians team who made every effort  to improve patient’s condition -,, Right after the road accident, University administration staff,  Professors and especially the students, were actively involved in Lado Gabechava’s treatment process”… Chancellor encouraged Lado and wished him quick recovery.

In addition to moral support, material support was provided as well on behalf of the university. It was decided to start the active campaign for the dissemination of information regarding the traffic safety in order to avoid such accidents - said TSMU Chancellor Zurab Orjonikidze.