თსსუ-ის მედიცინის ფაკულტეტის სტუდენტები ტერნოპილის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტის საზაფხულო სკოლაში

Students of TSMU Faculty of Medicine at the XIII International Student Summer School organized by Ternopil State Medical University (Ukraine)

On July 18 - 31, 2018, the students of the Faculty of Medicine of Tbilisi State Medical University: Solomon Ergemlidze, Gigi Gzobava, Nani Tatishvili, Nikoloz Dvali, participated in the XIII International Student Summer School organized by the Ternopil State Medical University (Ukraine). 

The program was focused on providing theoretical and practical courses in  primary care. "The program significantly contributed to improving our theoretical knowledge in practice, thus enhancing practical skills," said the students participating in the program.