საჯარო ლექციები პიზის უნივერსიტეტის პროფესორისგან

Public Lectures by Professor of Pisa University

Under ERASMUS+ KA107 Mobility Programme  Chiara Posareli, researcher at the Department of Molecular Diseases and Critical Medicine, University of Pisa, University of Pisa  visited Tbilisi State Medical University and delivered  public lectures and hold a workshop for TSMU students and residents.


-  “How to treat glaucoma? minimally invasive glaucoma surgery”. 

-   "Supraciliary methods of glaucoma surgery"

-   “Cyclodestructive procedures of high-intensity focused ultrasound for glaucoma treatment “

Within the frames of the visit, the workshop, focused on modern aspects of treatment and the prospects for future collaboration, was arranged at the Department of Eye Diseases.