2018 წლის 18-21 ნოემბერს, ბათუმში მდებარე ახლად გახსნილ კენ ვოლკერის სახელობის სამედიცინო რეაბილიტაციის საუნივერსიტეტო კლინიკაში  შეზღუდული შესაძლებლობის მქონე პირებს, მათ, ვისაც ესაჭიროება სარეაბილიტაციო მკურნალობა უფასო კონსულტაციები ჩაუტარდათ.

On November 18-21, 2018, free medical consultations for people with disabilities was carried out at newly-established “Ken Walker Medical University Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation” in Batumi

On November 18-21, 2018, free medical consultations for people with disabilities was carried out at newly-established “Ken Walker Medical University Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation” in Batumi. Prof. T. Schwartz, invited specialist, occupational therapist   of Emory University School of Medicine (Atlanta, USA) together with Georgian specialists provided free consultations for people with disabilities within the “Project of Physical Rehabilitation”. 

The act-event was attended by: Zaal Mikeladze, Minister of Health and Social Care of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara, Zurab Taneishvili, Deputy Minister, Lela Surmanidze Deputy Mayor of Batumi, Zurab Orjonikidze Chancellor of Tbilisi State Medical University, Archil Undilashvili, Head of Physical Rehabilitation Project and Director of Educational Programs at Emory University School of Medicine,   Irakli Natroshvili, invited Professor of Tbilisi State Medical University and General Director of the Clinic, Nini Zardiashvili Director of Georgian Office for American Corporation “Partners for International Development”, coordinator of “Physical Rehabilitation Project”.

After free consultations, the patients were allowed to undergo the full course of rehabilitation at the Rehabilitation Clinic.

On November 12,  2018  with the support  of Emory University School of Medicine (USA, Atlanta), within the frames of the USAID supported “Physical Rehabilitation project “Ken Walker Medical University Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation” was established by Tbilisi State Medical University and  Georgian Office for American Corporation “Partners for International Development” in Adjara Region.