კონფერენცია - უმაღლესი განათლების ხარისხის უზრუნველყოფის განახლებული სისტემის დანერგვა: შედეგები და შემდგომი ნაბიჯები

The Conference – Conference on Reform of Higher Education Quality Assurance: Results and Further Steps

On December 17, 2018, the conference – “Reform of Higher Education Quality Assurance: Results and Further Steps” organized by the National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement was held at Biltmore Hotel.  The Conference was attended by Professor David Gordon, President of the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME). The conference aimed at summarizing the first phase of the Higher Education Quality Assurance System Reform in Georgia, which meant upgrading the quality assurance standards and procedures and bringing them in line with the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (ESG 2015).  The conference discussed the results of institutional and program evaluations carried out in accordance with the upgraded standards and procedures of quality assurance, the ensuing steps, and the possibilities for implementing reforms to improve the activities of higher education institutions. A separate session was dedicated to medical education. At the session Professor David Gordon President of the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) made a report – “Medical Education Today: What is old? What is new? What will happen in the future?". In her speech Professor Gaiane Simonia, Head of TSMU Department of Medical Education, Research and Strategic Development extensively covered the new sectoral standards of undergraduate medical education. Rima Beriashvili Vice-Rector of Tbilisi State Medical University spoke about the authorization processes and institutional assessment of higher education institutions.