პასუხი ჟურნალ  Forbes Georgia-ში გამოქვეყნებულ სტატიაში დაშვებულ უზუსტობასთან დაკავშირებით თსსუ-ის ავტორიზაციის თაობაზე

Announcement of Tbilisi State Medical University about the Inaccuracies in the Article published in the Magazine "Forbes Georgia"

On January 13, 2019, magazine "Forbes Georgia" published an article entitled: "Which Georgian Universities Meet International Standards?", The article indicates: "... out of 24 authorized, public and private Higher Education Institutions, just one private, Free University and one public, Ilia State University meet all the authorization standards. The fully authorized universities are permitted to continue work for the next 6 years without any additional obligations, or particular submission of any report. "

The extract from the article does not correspond to the truth. The Legal Entity of Public Law - Tbilisi State Medical University has also obtained authorization without any additional conditions or report submissions for the next 6 years. The inaccuracy in the article threatens the prestige and business reputation of the higher education institution, as TSMU has a long-term tradition in terms of training professional doctors, as well as receiving students from 68 international countries.

The Editorial Board of the magazine “Forbes Georgia” was informed about the inaccuracy in the article.

See the article on New Posts.