პირდაპირი ტრანსლირებები საოპერაციოდან

Live streaming from an operating room

Live streaming from an operating room

The innovative teaching method has been implemented  in "High Medical Technology Center, University Clinic", which implies live broadcast from operating room. Consequently, the students of Tbilisi State Medical University have unique opportunity to watch any surgery they are interested in through  live streaming. Both attendance of huge number of students and observation during the operation is almost impossible, that's why after great efforts and work we have opportunity to connect the microscope and the whole system located in the operating room to the projector, and this will help students in the auditorium to monitor the operating space, anatomical structures, surgury techniques, possible complications and ability of their management” said Shota Ingorokva, Associate Professor of Neurosurgery Department of Tbilisi State Medical University. In parallel with  live streaming  from operating room, students and residents have opportunity to participate and be engaged in discussions anreview of each case conducted by scientific personnel of the clinic.