თსსუ-ს ლიუბეკის (გერმანია) უნივერსიტეტის პროფესორი, ანესთეზიოლოგი კარლ-ფრიდრიხ კლოცი ეწვია

Visit of Carl Friedrich Klaus, Anaesthesiologist and Professor of Lubeck University (Germany) at TSMU

On March 25, 2019, Tbilisi State Medical University hosted Carl Friedrich Klaus, anaesthesiologist and Professor of Lubeck University. Professor Klaus made presentation for students on the programmes of the Lubeck University and Research Center Borstel. Professor also discussed the perspectives of employment possibilities for TSMU graduates in Germany. Nino Kandelaki, the coordinator of the TSMU "Erasmus +" programmes addressed the audience and highly appreciated the visit of Professor Carl Friedrich Klaus to  Tbilisi State Medical University. Ms. Kandelaki noted, that the meeting serves to the further development of cooperation in the field of education between TSMU and Lubeck University within the frames of "Erasmus +" programmes. On March 26, Professor Carl- Friedrich Klaus visited the First University Clinic of TSMU and met Professor Levan Ratiani, Prof. Klaus presented the lectures on "History of artificial ventilation " and “History of Medical Education,  Anaesthesiology” for students, graduates and academic  staff of TSMU. Within the framework of the visit, Professor Klaus met with the Professor Tinatin Chikovani, Dean of the Medicine Faculty and Professor Nino Abralava, the Director of TSMU Foreign Languages Center.