ეპილეფსიის საერთაშორისო დღე თსსუ-ში


On 26th of March 2019, there was an event - Purple Day – supporting International Epilepsy Day organized by American MD Program at Tbilisi State Medical University. 

According World Health Organization (WHO) epilepsy is one of the most spread chronic brain disease and nearly 50 million people are diagnosed with epilepsy all over the world. Due to increasing awareness about epilepsy and supporting patients and their family members various relating events are organized in different countries of the world. 

Purple Day – event organized at TSMU included public lecture led by Tamar Ediberidze - Secretary General of Georgian Section of International League against Epilepsy.During the lecture following critical issues such as – epidemiology, pathogeneses, symptoms, classification, diagnostics, innovative treatment methods and decreasing stigma value - were discussed.

The lecture alongside the theoretical part included practical issues which were presented in a theatrical way. The performance projected practical advice on following topic: How should we behave when the patient experiences seizure? What kind of first aid should we provide to the patient experiencing epileptic attack? What should we do when the patient gets back consciousness.  

Attending audience was involved actively and they were excited with the event.