კონფერენცია - თანამედროვე სტომატოლოგიის გამოწვევები

Conference - Challenges of Modern Stomatology

On March 20-24, 2019, the conference "Challenges of Modern Dentistry" organized by Dental Corporation Ultradent was held in Barcelona (Spain). The conference was attended by Professor Marina Mamaladze, Head of TSMU Department of Odontology. Within the frames of the conference, very interesting lecture-master classes were conducted in esthetic dentistry and endodontics.  It is worth to mention that within the frames of master classes, Ultradent organized a practical course (Hands-on), where every participant had the opportunity to take part, be acquainted with modern materials and techniques provided by Ultradent. Professor Marina Mamaladze was given an opportunity to introduce almost 10 year experience of using dental restorations provided by  Ultradent on the example of Odontology Department of the Tbilisi State Medical University. The conference was held in interactive mode, which allowed the participants to express their opinions, even critical ones as well.