აუტიზმის შესახებ ცნობიერების ამაღლების მსოფლიო დღე

World Autism Awareness Day

On April 2, 2019, by the initiative of TSMU student self-government, the event dedicated to the World Autism Awareness Day was held at Tbilisi State Medical University. On 18 December 2007, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared 2 April as World Autism Awareness Day to highlight the need to help improve the quality of life of those with autism so they can lead full and meaningful lives as an integral part of society. TSMU student self-government organized an informational campaign to raise public awareness of the society.   Within the framework of the event, informational brochures were distributed through which the students were able to get acquainted with autism as a disease. Autism is the result of neurobiological disorder of brain development, impacting verbal and nonverbal communication, social abilities, speech, and behavior of the child. The key message of the campaign was "Autism – assembling the puzzle together". On the same day, TSMU students meth with the representatives of Tbilisi youth union centers, children with autism spectrum, their parents and members of the "Archangel Gabriel and Apostle Peter Foundation" (Autism Foundation). Fund representatives talked about the organization's activities and the rights of people with special needs. The students expressed their willingness to cooperate with the Fund.