თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტიტის წარმომადგენლები საერთაშორისო სამედიცინო- ფარმაცევტულ კონგრესზე    BIMCO – 2019

Representatives of TSMU at International Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress BIMCO – 2019

The students and young scientists of Tbilisi State Medical University traditionally actively participate in the Medical and Pharmaceutical Congress organized by Bukovinian State Medical University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine) and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.  This year the above-mentioned Congress was attended by the delegation of Tbilisi State Medical University including:  Davit Delibashvili, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of medicine and Associate Professor at TSMU Department of Pathophysiology; Luiza Gabunia, Director of TSMU  Scientific Skills Center and Londa Rukhadze, invited teacher. TSMU delegation presented report on “National Cancer Screening Programs – the Case of Georgia that was highly appreciated and awarded the II Degree Diploma.  Within the frames of the visit, the representatives of Tbilisi State Medical University visited Clinical Simulations center of Bukovinian State Medical University and were introduced to the innovations and activities at the University and participated in various training and workshops.