ავსტრიული მედია თსსუ-ის რექტორის, პროფესორ ზურაბ ვადაჭკორიას ინსბრუკში საქმიანი ვიზიტის შესახებ წერს

Visit of Professor Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of TSMU to Innsbruck

Austrian media paid a special attention to one part of the monthly report of the Innsbruck University. Official visit of Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria to the University of Innsbruck has laid the groundwork for development of cooperation with the Faculties of Pharmacy and Analytical Chemistry between our Universities. This will allow Georgian scientists to develop and implement joint research projects on medicinal remedies / herbs with Austrian colleagues. By the initiative of Professor Bonn Director of the Institute of Analytical Chemistry and Radiochemistry cooperate with the Austrian pharmaceutical screening institute of Austria and Faculty of Pharmacy of Tbilisi State Medical University has been planned. Rector of TSMU also visited the State Medical University in Innsbruck. The article on Rector’s visit to the University was highlighted and published on official website of the University.

See the enclosed link of the article