ღონისძიება - ,,რა უნდა ვიცოდეთ პედიატრთან ვიზიტისას

Event - Visiting the Paediatrician

On September 26, 2019 TSMU Clinical Skills and Multidisciplinary Simulation Center organized event “Visiting the Paediatrician” in frames of the International Festival for Science and Innovation 2019. The event was coordinated by Prof. Irma Manjavidze, Head of the Clinical Skills and Multidisciplinary Simulation Center. Prof. Irma Manjavidze discussed the children’s and adolescents’ rights during the visit to doctor, protection of confidentiality and anonymity of patient information, also “Convention on the Rights of the Child” and Law of Georgia on Patients’ Rights. The event was especially interesting for the schoolchildren.