ტრენინგი - ობიექტურად სტრუქტურირებული კლინიკური გამოცდა (OSCE) - ჩატარების და შეფასების მეთოდოლოგია

Training - Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) – Conducting and Assessment Methodology

On April 4-8, 2022 training “Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) – Conducting and Assessment Methodology” was organized at the Faculty Development and Strategic Planning Department of the Tbilisi State Medical University. The training was conducted by Prof. Marina Mamaladze, Head of the Odontology Department and Prof. Irma Manjavidze, Head of the TSMU Clinical Skills and Multidisciplinary Simulation Center. Participants from various Georgian higher education institutions (Tbilisi State medical University, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Caucasus International University, Tbilisi Humanitarian Teaching University, Agrarian University and Teaching University Millennium) attended the training. The interactive training was interesting and innovative for participants. The attendees were awarded with certificates.