სტუდენტურ ქორეოგრაფიულ ფორუმ-ფესტივალზე „ტერფსიქორე-2022“ თსსუ-ის თანამედროვე და სამეჯლისო ცეკვების ანსამბლი „ვეგა“ დიპლომით დაჯილდოვდა

Student Choreography Forum-Festival "Terpsichore 2022" awarded TSMU modern ballroom dance studio “Vega” with a diploma

On June 24-25, 2022 Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film Georgia State University hosted the 9th Student Choreography Forum-Festival "Terpsichore 2022". TSMU modern ballroom dance studio “Vega” was also invited to the festival. The TSMU dance studio was awarded with the diploma.  

The Student Choreography Festival aims to involve university choreographic groups throughout Georgia. The program includes several events, the themes of which reflect the choreographic life of the students.