შეხვედრა პროექტის ,,საქართველოს უმაღლეს საგანმანათლებლო დაწესებულებებში სტუდენტებისათვის ფსიქოლოგიური კონსულტაციის ცენტრების შექმნა“ ფარგლებში

Meeting within the framework of the project “Establishment of Psychological Counseling Centers at Georgian HEIs for Students”

On June 24, 2022 Tbilisi State Medical University was visited by the President of International Center for Peace Education, Guguli Magradze and Prof. Indira Dzagania, President of the Association “Intercultural Relations Society”. The guests were met by Prof. Zurab Vadachkoria, Rector of TSMU, Prof. Khatuna Todadze, TSMU Vice Rector and Prof. Ramaz Sakvarelidze, Head of the Department of Psychology. The project “Establishment of Psychological Counseling Centers at Georgian HEIs for Students” was discussed at the meeting. The aim of the project is to provide social and psychological support to students at Georgian HEIs. Specific objectives of the project are:

    1. Establishment of psychological counseling centers at target partner HEIs for students.

    2. Preparing staff to work at psychological counseling centers.

    3. Elaboration of recommendations and legislation documentation for policy makers and governmental agencies of Georgia

    4. Raising mental health awareness among students and a wider audience.

    5. Creation of Association of University Psychological Counseling Centers of Georgia.

The project is developed within the framework of ERASMUS+ programme and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Georgia