თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტი და საქართველოს ტექნიკური უნივერსიტეტი „სტუდენტური ფესტივალი 2022“-ის გამარჯვებულები გახდნენ

Tbilisi State Medical University is the Student Festival 2022 winner

With the support of the City Service of Culture, Education, Sports and Youth Affairs of the Tbilisi City Hall and the Association of Georgian Student Organizations, “Tbilisi Student Festival 2022” was held. The festival covered various tournaments and cultural tours in 15 sports. 34 higher education institutions and more than 50 000 students participated in the event

Tbilisi State Medical University students won in chess, carting and rafting.  The TSMU National Ensemble “Georgian Folklore” won two nominees: the best Georgian dance and folk song. The TSMU students were named as the best fans by the festival committee.  

Tbilisi State Medical University and Georgian Technical University accumulated equal point numbers. The festival committee announced both universities as the festival winners.

Tbilisi State Medical University academic and administrative staff congratulates the students with the success.