თსსუ-ის ფიზიკური მედიცინის და რეაბილიტაციის ფაკულტეტის საბაკალავრო პროგრამების სტუდენტთა გამოსაშვები ღონისძიება 2022

Graduation ceremony of the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Faculty students

On July 8, 2022 Tbilisi State Medical University organized a graduation ceremony for the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Nursing Bachelor’s program students. 66 Georgian and international students graduated from the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation program this year. 8 graduates celebrated graduation from the Nursing Bachelor’s program.

Professor Zurab vadachkoria, TSMU Rector, Prof. Lela Maskhulia, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Medea Jgarkava coordinator of the Nursing Bachelor’s program, alumni: Giorgi Saghinadze, Nino Kobidze, Maia Tsuladze and Giorgi Naneishvili congratulated the students on graduating from the university successfully.  

Tbilisi State Medical University academic and administrative staff congratulates the students on graduating medical university and wishes them success in their career development!