თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტს დიდი ბრიტანეთის კილის უნივერსიტეტის პროფესორები სტუმრობდნენ

Tbilisi State Medical University was visited by Keele University Professors from the UK

On September 18-22, 2022 Tbilisi State Medical University was visited by Professors June Keeling, Ivan McGlen and Tom Shepherd from Keele University (UK). Professors attended a solemn ceremony dedicated to the beginning of the new 2022/2023 academic year and congratulated the beginning of academic year to the TSMU students. After the ceremony the professors met the first semester students. Within the framework of the visit the professors visited TSMU Clinical Skills and Multidisciplinary Simulations Center and Ken Walker University Clinic for Medical Rehabilitation where Professor Ivan McGlen conducted a lecture. The guests also visited “Early Childhood Development Academy” - an innovative project developed by TSMU in collaboration with Emory University. The British professors delivered lectures for the USMD program students. 

Within the framework of the visit Tbilisi State Medical University organized a Tbilisi and Kakheti educational tour for the members of the delegation. The British guests were impressed by Georgian traditions and culture. Keele University is a partner university of Tbilisi State Medical University within the framework of ERASMUS+ KA 107 project.