თსსუ-ის სასამართლო მედიცინის დეპარტამენტის ხელმძღვანელი, პროფესორი რუსუდან ბერიაშვილი გაეროს სახელმძღვანელოს ავტორია

Professor Rusudan Beriashvili Head of the TSMU Forensic Medicine Department is the Author of the UN Manual

On June 29, 2022, United Nations (UN) officially presented Manual of the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment – Istanbul Protocol, Review 2. One of the authors of the manual is Professor Rusudan Beriashvili, Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine of Tbilisi State Medical University. 

The document was first published in 2001. The manual served as the only methodology for effective documentation and investigation of a number of complicated cases. Based on the principles of the Istanbul Protocol diverse decisions have been made by the European Court of Human Rights. Istanbul Protocol, Review 2 is a more detailed and comprehensive manual, containing updated and contemporary information on investigation and documentation standards.Two new chapters have been added to the second edition and Professor Rusudan Beriashvili is the author of one of the chapters. 

Tbilisi State Medical University congratulates Professor Rusudan Beriashvili on the success!