On March 26-30, 2023 Prof. Khatuna Todadze Vice Rector of TSMU and Nino Kandelaki ERASMUS+ Institutional Coordinator visited Belgium within the framework of the project "Strengthening the Quality and Relevance of the Third Mission in Georgian Universities”.
On March 27, TSMU representatives held meetings at the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) office. On March 28, they visited KU LEUVEN where the TSMU delegation was greeted by Prof. John Creemers, Director of the Doctoral School Biomedical Sciences and Prof. Tine Van Lommel, Innovation Manager. Prof. John Creemers introduced innovative approaches to doctoral program management, especially in biomedicine and health care sciences at KU LEUVEN to guests. Via support Prof. John Creemers and within the framework of ERASMUS+ exchange programmes TSMU doctoral students’ mobility at KU LEUVEN were planned. Prof. Tine Van Lommel highlighted the university will support TSMU students’ involvement in large-scale international research activities and scientific projects.
On March 29, Prof. Khatuna Todadze and Nino Kandelaki visited the Antwerp Management School (University of Antwerp). The TSMU delegation was met by Prof. Ans DE VOS, Associate Dean of Education. Development of leadership skills and accumulated international experiences were actively discussed during the meeting.