თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტში სტაჟირების გასავლელად ბერლინის შარიტეს სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტი იმყოფება

Tbilisi State Medical University is visited by Charite Medical University (Berlin) student

Tbilisi State Medical University is visited by Charite Medical University (Berlin) student Valentin Kennel within the framework of ERASMUS+ credit mobility. The German student undergoes internship at Ingorokva High Medical Technology University Clinic Department of Internal Medicine N2.

“I have visited Tbilisi as part of an exchange program. I like it here very much because I am learning a lot of new things. I like communication with doctors and patients. I am observing the diagnosing and treatment process. Generally, I like the development of Georgian medicine and learn a lot from Georgian doctors.

I am attending lectures with TSMU students and exchanging experiences with them. I think this internship will be beneficial because I have decided to continue my professional development in Internal Medicine, Nephrology. So experience acquired at TSMU will help me for my professional development” – said Valentin Kennel.

Professor Irma Chokhonelidze Head of the TSMU Department of Internal Medicine N 2 highlighted that students are given the opportunity to develop their professional and practical skills.

“Valentin Kennel is involved in the process we are developing with other TSMU students. Our approaches are very interesting for him. He developed a rapid orientation skill at the bedside, implying theoretical knowledge into practice. He developed diagnosing patient skills according to the patients’ complaints. He was given the opportunity to examine at least three patients a day and accumulate experience” said Professor Irma Chokhonelidze.

Tbilisi State Medical University is visited by Charite Medical University (Berlin) student Valentin Kennel within the framework of ERASMUS+ credit mobility. The German student undergoes internship at Ingorokva High Medical Technology University Clinic Department of Internal Medicine N2.