On May 21-27, 2023 within the framework of ERASMUS+ KA107 academic and administrative staff international credit mobility program Professor Khatuna Todadze TSMU Vice Rector and Professor Lela Maskhulia, Dean of the Faculty of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation visited the University of Tartu (Estonia). The TSMU delegation took part in the "ERASMUS+ International Staff Week 2023" and were introduced to the activities of the international relations department, international projects implemented and developed by the University of Tartu. The parties also discussed outcomes of ongoing cooperation between the universities, quality of education of TSMU students. The TSMU professors presented reports. The presentations were interesting for the audience.
Within the framework of the visit Professor Khatuna Todadze and Professor Lela Maskhulia attended sessions: Lifelong learning and E-learning at the University of Tartu; Learning Enhancement: Tandem Learning of and through Languages; International marketing and recruitment. The TSMU delegation also visited clinics of the University of Tartu and the Institute of Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy. The Georgian guests were met by Professor Vahur Oopik, Associate Professor Eve Unt and academic staff of the School of Medicine of the University of Tartu.
“Mutual cooperation activities, inter-institutional partnership with the University of Tartu, opportunities for the future collaborative projects were discussed during the meeting” said Professor Lela Maskhulia.