თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტში სტაჟირების გასავლელად ბერლინის შარიტეს სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტის სტუდენტები იმყოფებოდნენ

Tbilisi State Medical University was visited by the students from Charité University Medicine Berlin

Tbilisi State Medical University was visited by two international students Anna Jones and Lara Fetcher from Charité University Medicine Berlin within the framework of ERASMUS+ exchange program. The students underwent clinical internship in the Departments of Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Traumatology and Orthopedics of TSMU.

“I was observing medical manipulations attentively. Georgian doctors taught me how to communicate with patients and treat them. I attended surgeries and sometimes even assisted Georgian doctors. I was so glad watching patients feeling better, especially realizing self-contribution in their recovery.

Within the framework of the exchange program I was given the opportunity to broaden my theoretical knowledge and obtain skills necessary for a doctor: how to communicate with the patient, transfer information, examine and plan treatment. I will apply obtained skills and knowledge in Georgia when I start working as a doctor in Germany. Moreover, I was given the opportunity to find out about the healthcare system of other countries'' said Lara Fetcher

“I was a member of a Georgian students’ team and it was challenging to perform manipulations with them. In Germany the students are used to more self-directed decisions while in Georgia firstly we have to listen to professors, realize their recommendations and later communicate with patients, diagnose and compile treatment methods. We also attended surgeries under their supervision. Team working skills were essential and the experience accumulated in Georgia is very important for my further career development” said "Anna Jones,

Professor Gia Tomadze Head of the Department of Surgery of Tbilisi State Medical University, Professor Levan Chikvatia Head of Traumatology and Orthopedics of TSMU and Professor Mamuka Bokuchava Head of the Vascular Surgery Department were coordinating the students from Charité University Medicine Berlin.

“The students were involved in the medical activities of the clinic. They participated in the educational and clinical activities, assisted doctors during surgeries. They also presented a report about Charité University Medicine Berlin. The students from Germany highlighted that they were interested in the international healthcare system to set correlation between Georgian and German clinical activities. I am glad that we made a contribution in their career development. I wish them good luck.” Said Professor Gia Tomadze.

"Anna Jones underwent clinical internship in the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of TSMU. She is a brilliant person first of all, very empathic and motivated to help patients. Consequently, I am convinced she will definitely become an excellent doctor. Anna was attending medical manipulations and was listening to doctors attentively” said Professor Levan Chikvatia.

“I think Lara Fetcher’s clinical internship in the Department of Vascular Surgery was successful as she was involved in the medical manipulations actively. We used to talk about her field of interests and she expressed her desire to work in the department of vascular surgery. I am sure she will continue her career development successfully” said Professor Mamuka Bokuchava.