დნმ-ის დღე თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტში - კონკურსი „არტ გენომი“

DNA Day at Tbilisi State Medical University - "Art Genome"

On April 25, 2024, in celebration of DNA Day, Tbilisi State Medical University held the "Art Genome" competition. The theme was the impact of artificial intelligence on the diagnostic odyssey of genetic and rare diseases and the development of treatments for rare diseases. The competition was dedicated to the challenges related to the management of genetic and rare diseases and the use of artificial intelligence in this process.

The event was organized by the Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics of Tbilisi State Medical University and the Georgian Society of Medical Genetics and Epigenetics.

Students from Tbilisi State Medical University and Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University participated in the competition. 19 paintings and digital illustrations were presented. The competition winners are: TSMU students Zobya Mohamed Javed Ansary (1st place); Irina Khatiashvili (2nd place); Mariam Turmanidze (3rd place). 

After the competition, a workshop was held for students on the topic: "Face2Gene - Artificial Intelligence and the Diagnosis of Rare Diseases."