საზოგადოებრივი ჯანდაცვის ფაკულტეტის მეორესემესტრელ სტუდენტთა ტრადიციული კონფერენცია ,,სოციოლოგია ჯანდაცვაში“

A conference of Public Health 2nd semester students

On June 25, 2024 the Department of Public Health, Management, Policy, and Economics of the Faculty of Public Health of TSMU organized a conference for 2nd semester students "Sociology in Healthcare." The faculty students participated in the conference. 

Students presented sociological research on current health issues. The event is a tradition for the university and aims to develop scientific-research, analytical and public speaking skills among students. 

The students and their supervisors Nino Japaridze and Lia Gumbaridze were granted certificates.