თსსუ-ის წარმომადგენლები სტომატოლოგთა საერთაშორისო კოლეგიის (ICD) ევროპის სექციის 67-ე კონგრესზე

TSMU representatives at the 67th Annual Meeting of the International College of Dentists’ European Section

On June 21-24, 2024, the 67th Annual Meeting of the International College of Dentists’ European Section was organized in Limassol (Cyprus). Five academic staff members and three invited lecturers from Tbilisi State Medical University attended the congress.

The congress was attended by Professor Marina Mamaladze, Head of the Odontology Department of Tbilisi State Medical University. Professor Marina Mamaladze is the Regent of District Georgia and a member of Regent’s Council. 

TSMU representatives presented three poster presentations. In addition, a presentation of the journal ICDigest was organized. The journal included an extensive presentation about the Georgia District. Additionally, new fellows were inducted into the European Section of the ICD during the congress. Lika Minashvili, an invited lecturer from the Department of Odontology of Tbilisi State Medical University was among them.