საინფორმაციო შეხვედრა ევროკავშირის სამეცნიერო ფონდების მიერ გამოცხადებულ საგრანტო კონკურსებში მონაწილეობის თაობაზე

Information Meeting on Participation in EU Grant Competitions

On July 17, 2024, an informational meeting was organized by the International Relations Department of Tbilisi State Medical University regarding participation in grant competitions announced by the European Union. The meeting was led by Associate Professor Nona Janikashvili, Head of the International Projects Attraction and Promotion Division. The event was attended by heads of the academic departments of TSMU, directors of research institutes, academic and scientific staff, as well as representatives of the administration. The meeting was dedicated to the issues regarding funding and submitting applications for the 2025 grant competition of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) network.

The event provided a detailed discussion on the technical aspects of filling out and submitting competitive, administrative, and financial documentation, as well as the opportunities and advantages of the program. The meeting also clarified the policy for joining and participating in successful COST projects.

The next part of the informational meeting focused on the open calls for health-related projects announced by Horizon Europe, as well as the joint scientific grant competition between the Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation and the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). At the end of the meeting, a discussion was held. Academic and scientific staff of TSMU expressed interest in participating in scientific grant competitions and ongoing projects.